Bush Tucker Plants

Lemon Myrtle

lemon myrtle

Plant Description

Botanical Name: Backhousia citriodora
Lemon Myrtle is a bushy Queensland rainforest tree to about 8m, having dark green lemon-scented leaves to 100 mm long. It flowers prolifically with large bunches of small white flowers on the ends of the branches. It is a common garden plant in Brisbane, and about a million have been planted commercially for their lemon oil content. The essential ingredient is Citral, which accounts for over 90% of the plants essential oil, compared to about 3% in lemon oil. The oil is extracted by steam distillation.


The leaves are used fresh or dried & ground and have a lemon & lime oil flavour. They can be used with baked fish, to make a lemon tea, breads and cheesecakes etc., chicken and rice dishes, and sauces.



Coutesy: Colleen and Geoff Keena
In summer I drink either water or lemon myrtle drink:
4 large lemon myrtle leaves
Pour over boiling water. Let cool for at least an hour until liquid is the colour of tea.
Add to a 2 litre bottle of cold water for a refreshing drink.
You can keep adding cold water to the leaves for several days and drinking the resulting drink each day.

1/2 leaf
Pour over boiling water
Drink hot.

Add a roughly shredded leaf to cook rice to accompany a curry.

More Information

Toona Essential Oils



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Bush Tucker Plants
Bungwall Fern
Bunya Nut
Burdekin Plum
Candle Nut
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Lemon Myrtle
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Sandpaper Fig
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More Bush Tucker Plants

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