Bush Tucker Plants

bushtucker Native Ginger - Alpinia caerulea

Plant Description

Botanical name: Alpinia caerulea Common Name: Native Ginger
Plant is clumping and consists of soft, thick stems arising from an underground rhizome. The plant grows to about 2m and likes plenty of water, and likes some shade. The large bright green leaves are up to 400 mm long. The white flowers are followed by round blue fruits to 15 mm in spikes on the ends of the stems.


The pith inside the fruit has a pleasant, refreshing, lemony taste. Young root tips are edible. The leaves were also used by aborigines to lay under meat cooked in an earth oven.



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Australian Plants generally

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Bush Tucker Plants
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Bunya Nut
Burdekin Plum
Candle Nut
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Native Ginger
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More Bush Tucker Plants

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