Bush Tucker Plants

(Black Bean)
Moreton Bay Chestnut flower Moreton Bay Chestnut fruit
Moreton Bay Chestnut - flowers Fruit, seeds, and leaves

Plant Description

Botanical name: Castanospermum australe
Common names: Black Bean, Moreton Bay Chestnut.
The first common name refers to the appearance of the fruit, a large woody pod to 200 mm long which at maturity is brown, but goes black on the ground after some time. The second refers to the chestnut taste of the treated seeds. This is a large majestic rainforest tree, common in the rainforests of Queensland and northern NSW. It bears clusters of red and yellow flowers in spring or early summer. The large leaves have numerous dark green leaflets which are about 120 mm long.


The starchy seeds of this tree are poisonous, but were eaten by the aborigines after considerable preparation.
The Moreton Bay Chestnut seeds were cracked and soaked in water, then pounded , and made into cakes, and finally roasted. The washing in water removes some of the soluble toxins, while roasting destroys other toxins. The plant is not used in modern bush tucker preparations.



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Bush Tucker Plants
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Moreton Bay Chestnut
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