Bush Tucker Plants

Sandpaper Fig

bushtucker sandpaper fig; Ficus Coronata

Plant Description

Botanical Name: Ficus coronata
Common Name: Creek sandpaper fig
This is a bushy tree with rough, sandpapery leaves. The 20 mm furry fruit are dark when ripe, and appear on the trunk and larger branches. The tree is often associated with creek banks.


The fruit are edible raw when fully ripe, but the furry skin can be irritant, and must be peeled off first. A number of other native figs are palatable also - eg. Ficus fraseri and Ficus opposita - both figs with sandpapery leaves, Ficus congesta, and Ficus racemosa, the cluster fig which has quite large, 50 mm fruit in bunches off the trunk.



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Bush Tucker Plants
Bungwall Fern
Bunya Nut
Burdekin Plum
Candle Nut
Cedar Bay Cherry
Davidson's Plum
Lemon Myrtle
Moreton Bay Chestnut
Native Ginger
Native Raspberry
Sandpaper Fig
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More Bush Tucker Plants

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