Final month before the launch!

We are still waiting for “official” approval from CASA. Though we are fairly confident it will be approved. We are proceeding with the final stage of the project, leading up to the launch. We have:-

  • Confirmed availability of Helium gas and what the latest date is that we can order/purchase it
  • Sorted out where we will stay on the Friday night (day before the launch). We are fortunate in that it is the ‘quiet’ season and so we can book this accommodation ~ 2 weeks out.
  • We have found a place that can hire out the Satellite phones at a reasonable price are happy to make the satellite phone booking “tentative”. We will up later to confirm that we require it.
  • Organised a “pre-flight” meeting.
  • Confirmed availability of all the crew who will help make the launch possible!!

I have decided to do up a small “simplified” picture of all the communication links. It neglects the fact that there is a separate Spot satellite and there are obviously servers where information is stored, but it should be helpful.

Comm Links
Comm Links