A lot of work has been done to date. This is the reason for very little activity on the Blog. Below are some some high level pictures.

The above picture is supposed to show that there are 2 boards stacked on top of the EtherMega Arduino board. The sensor board is a WIP. There is a huge amount of work still to do. The good thing is that the Sensor board is not required to use this purely as a wireless rocket launch system.

Below are some pictures of it in action.

This is a picture taken prior to the install of the new batteries

We can plug an Ethernet connection in to allow easy putty access into the Rasberry Pi to do our development. It is not required in normal operation. Below is a picture taken of back showing the Wireless dongle.

The two units can now commnicate across wireless link (900MHZ) while the ground station can communicate with an iPad, iPhone or other wireless device. Example of launch console screen is shown below.