Final preparations are being made for Launch 4 which we hope will take place tomorrow, weather permitting.
The Weather
The wind speed is going to be approximately 10 to 15 knots. We don’t really want to fly if more then 15 knots. Rain is 50% chance which sounds bad, but this is over a large area, so it probably a lot less chance then 50%. We will check the radar before we leave to see what is about. We’ll also check the motion of the trees on the mountain next to where we live as they will provide us a good indication of wind speed.
The motor
I have assembled the G76-10 motor. This included reducing the delay from 10 seconds to 6 seconds using the AeroTech tool. One thing I have not done is install the igniter. I want to do that on the day just before launch. The igniter is delicate and I think it is bad practice to install igniters until one is ready to launch.
Here are some pictures of the assembly.

All batteries have been charged, even if I thought they were okay. I found that the igniter battery was completely flat! Very glad I checked this. This could be because the voltage measuring resistors have flattened the battery. I will leave this disconnected from now on, unless I’m going to sue it.
Test Ignition
I put a high value resistance resistor as the igniter and I was able to perform ARM, CONTINUITY TEST and a trial ignition. I measured a voltage of 12.5 volts across it. Great!
All the Parts
I’ve gone over the checklist and packed everything away. Ready to go. Also packed the rocket in its delivery box with lots of padding. I decided to roll up newspaper and put in aft and rear of motor to stop rubbish getting in. Before doing this I folded up the parachute and inserted it in as carefully possible. We will need to tie the cord to the bottom of the electronics bay payload before launch.

Last minute Check
I confirmed the steps for the payload turn on. I’ve also got some Masking Take (from my very generous and helpful friend – Alex). This will be used to ensure no shorting of jumpers