The Nose cone is moulded plastic.
Nose Cone Tip issue
I discovered after gluing the bulkplate in place that the tip was not 100% fixed, but could be rotated. I could apply a parting force and there was a very small gap (0.25mm). This gap was not all the way around the piece. So unfortunately I should have tightened this up before hand. Cursing myself somewhat.
So what I did was apply CA glue inside the gap between the nozzle tip and the remainder of the nozzle. It is not fixed and won’t move/rotate.

This I think should be satisfactory for flight. I’ve posted a “post” to AusRocketry Forum to get their input. If not okay, I’ll probably need to purchase replacement parts.
The initial thoughts from posters on AusRocketry Forum is that it should be okay – but I will need to check this post-flight, to see if any movement. Movement is most likely due to impact with the ground.
Sanding the Nose Cone
I’ve started sanding the nose cone, trying to remove the ejection mould hang-overs. I’ve used Grit-60 Sandpaper to remove these. Some bits were so bit that I used small pliers and Exacto Knife to remove the bulk of them.
Then I used Grit 240 sandpaper to sand it down.
It is pretty smooth, but I can still fill steps using my nail. I might wait until I apply Primer before I do any more sanding.